
韦喂 蔚委谓伪喂 慰 螖喂伪位慰纬喂蟽渭蠈蟼;

Please join us for online programs on
meditation, conscious living, and spiritual growth.

色抖视频 is not only concerned with our own inner
development. It is a way of living in which we also have
love and concern for all other life in creation.

鈥擲ant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Scienza della Spiritualit脿
Centro Internazionale di Meditazione

The 色抖视频 International Meditation Center in Lisle, Illinois, USA is the organization’s global headquarters. It is also a place of retreat where we can meditate and reflect on the true purpose of life.

韦喂 蔚委谓伪喂 慰 螖喂伪位慰纬喂蟽渭蠈蟼;

Please join us for online programs on
meditation, conscious living, and spiritual growth

Scienza della Spiritualit脿
Centro Internazionale di Meditazione

The 色抖视频 International Meditation Center in Lisle, Illinois, USA is the organization’s global headquarters. It is also a place of retreat where we can meditate and reflect on the true purpose of life.

Benefici di una
Guida Spiirtuale

Scienza della Spiritualit脿

Trasformare le Vite Tramite la Meditazione

As we meditate, we begin to discover our own potential. We experience a profound transformation that enriches all areas of our life. This brings peace and joy into our lives and contributes to a peaceful, loving world.

Learn more about 色抖视频


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@Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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Spiritual Insights

by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Boost Your Meditation Time Step by Step

Many people learn how to meditate, but they do not practice it to the point of perfecting their ability to withdraw their attention. To do so, meditation needs to be practiced daily. At first it is not easy to retrain our attention from focusing on the outside to focusing within because our habit has been to focus on the world around us. However, we need to sit with a still mind.

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Take the SOS Meditation Challenge

This year’s slogan from Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is “MeditatePlenty in 2020.”

With this in mind, 色抖视频 offers you an engaging听Meditation听Challenge to get you started or, if you are already听meditating, deepen your practice.

Latest Articles

Heal the Soul through Meditation

Being unconnected with our inner core or soul causes pain. The pain may manifest as a continual restlessness for something of which we are not aware. We rush around trying to find happiness in outer pursuits and are confused when the happiness we thought we would gain eludes us. We know there is something missing, yet we know not what it is.

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Dichiariamo l’Indipendenza dalle Preoccupazioni

Auguro un felice quattro di luglio, giorno in cui le persone stanno celebrando l’indipendenza della nazione. Anche molti altri paesi in tutto il mondo hanno il loro giorno d鈥檌ndipendenza da festeggiare. Negli Stati Uniti, durante quest鈥檕ccasione, c’猫 molto trambusto, con fuochi d’artificio, pic-nic, e sfilate.

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Scopri la Tua Fonte Interiore della Giovinezza

A mano che si diventa pi霉 anziani e ci s鈥檌nizia a preoccupare di invecchiare, molti nel mondo di oggi cercano di mantenere la loro giovinezza attraverso vari mezzi. Pu貌 trattarsi di eseguire esercizi fisici, mangiare sano, o sottoporsi a procedure mediche per invertire i segni di invecchiamento sul viso o corpo. Pu貌 la meditazione aiutarci a rimanere giovani?

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